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Use of Adverbs with Example Sentences


Adverbs are marginalized elements in the English language. They are such constituents in the absence of which the norms of language are not violated, and the meaning may not be altered at a greater extent. However, they are sometimes necessary to put emphasis on the certain part of a clause, or they may modify the entire clause. Basically, they are to modify adjectives and verbs.

Your necklace is very beautiful.

Very is not a compulsory element in the above sentence. The meaning can still be retained even if it is dropped because it has just come to modify the adjective beautiful.

Here, we are to address some adverbs which may sound quite confusing to language users. Although they're different from each other, they've some common features. 

Let us pay attention to them.

Eventually means:

  1. in the end (finally)
  2. after all that
  3. at the end of a series of events
  4. something happens after a long time or after a lot of effort


  • The interview eventually started 45 minutes late.
  • I was looking for a clear explanation of this adverb and eventually, I found it here.
  • After waiting for hours in the queue, eventually, I got my tern.
  • Eventually, I found the restaurant of my choice in Tokyo.

Finally suggests:

  1. in the end
  2. after a long time, esp. when there has been a difficulty or delay
  3. the last element in the list


  • She was trying to fix her PC problem, and she finally did it.
  • The bill was finally passed in the parliament.
  • First, we call all dignitaries on the dais, welcome them, and finally, we proceed to inaugurate the programme.

Eventually and finally are synonymous terms which can be interchangeably used in some cases.

Lastly means:

  1. the last element in a series
  2. the final point that you're making


  • Lastly/Finally, I switched on my new television.
  • Lastly, I’d like to thank all who supported us in any way.

Note: Do not be confused with lastly and at last. Similar to finallyat last suggests something that happens after waiting a long time or especially when there has been some difficulty or delay.

For example:

I was losing my hope that I'd ever get my ring back, but my husband found it under the bed at last.

Ultimately is used in the sense of:

  1. in the end (Finally)
  2. at the most basic and important level


  • One after another wrong and immature decisions will ultimately be dangerous for the nation.
  • If any country is to get the best economic rate, that should ultimately create more job opportunities for youths.

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